Expert Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Water Fountain in Top Condition
Home Expert Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Water Fountain in Top Condition
Water Fountain
17 Mar 2023  
Water fountains can add a sense of tranquility and beauty to any outdoor space. However, to ensure that your fountain stays looking and functioning at its best, it’s important to give it proper maintenance. When it comes to maintaining your water fountain, it’s important to stay on top of any repairs that may be needed. If you notice any issues with your fountain, such as leaks, clogs, or damaged electrical components, it’s a good idea to search for “fountain repair near me” and find a reliable repair service in your area.
In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks for maintaining water fountains, including cleaning techniques, water care, and winterization tips.

1. Cleaning Techniques

Regular cleaning is essential for keeping your water fountain looking its best. For outdoor fountains, it’s recommended to clean the fountain at least once a month, or more frequently if the fountain is exposed to a lot of debris or pollution. For indoor fountains, clean them at least every two weeks.
Here are some tips for cleaning your fountain:

Removing Debris

Use a skimmer or a net to remove debris such as leaves, bugs, and other floating objects from the water surface. This will help prevent clogs in the fountain’s pump.


Scrub the fountain’s surfaces with a soft-bristled brush or sponge and a mild cleaner. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can damage the fountain’s finish.

Cleaning the Pump

Regularly clean the fountain’s pump to prevent clogs and ensure proper water flow. Remove the pump from the fountain after unplugging it. Disassemble the pump and clean it thoroughly with a soft brush and a mixture of water and vinegar. Rinse the pump thoroughly with clean water before reassembling it.
When searching for “fountain repair near me”, make sure to look for a company with experience and expertise in repairing water fountains.

2. Water Care Tips

The quality of the water used in your fountain is important for maintaining its health and longevity. Always use clean, fresh water in your fountain, and avoid using hard water, which can cause mineral buildup and other problems.
Here are some tips for water care:

Water Quality

Test the water quality regularly to ensure that it is at the proper pH level. The ideal pH level for fountain water is between 7.2 and 7.8. You can purchase a water testing kit at your local hardware or pool supply store.

Adding Treatments

Consider adding water treatments to your fountain to help prevent algae growth and mineral buildup. Treatments such as algaecides and scale inhibitors can help keep your fountain looking and functioning its best.

Replacing Water

Regularly replace the water in your fountain to keep it fresh and clean. Depending on the size of the fountain and the water quality, you may need to replace the water every few weeks or months.

3. Winterization Tips

In colder climates, it’s important to winterize your fountain to prevent damage from freezing temperatures. Here are some tips for winterizing your fountain:

Draining the Fountain

Before winter sets in, it’s important to drain the fountain and remove any excess water. This will help prevent the fountain from freezing and cracking during cold temperatures.

Covering the Fountain

If possible, cover the fountain during the winter to protect it from the elements. Use a waterproof cover that fits snugly over the fountain and secure it in place.

Storing the Pump

If your fountain’s pump is removable, store it indoors during the winter to protect it from freezing temperatures.

4. Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for maintaining water fountains:-

Keep an Eye on Water Levels

Make sure to regularly check the water levels in your fountain, especially during hot weather. If the water level gets too low, it can damage the pump and cause other problems. Keep a close eye on the water level and add more water as needed.

Adjusting Water Flow

Adjust the water flow to your fountain to find the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Too much water flow can cause splashing and overflow, while too little can prevent the fountain from functioning properly.

Use a Fountain Cover

Consider using a fountain cover to protect your fountain from debris, sunlight, and other outdoor elements. This can help prevent the buildup of dirt and other materials, which can clog the fountain and cause other problems.

Addressing Leaks

If you notice any leaks in your fountain, address them as soon as possible. Even small leaks can lead to larger problems, such as water damage or electrical problems. Check all connections and hoses to make sure they are tight and secure.

Inspecting Electrical Components

If your fountain has electrical components, such as lights or pumps, make sure to inspect them regularly. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed wires or corroded connections, and address them immediately. Electrical problems can be dangerous, so it’s important to address them as soon as possible.


By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your water fountain in top condition and enjoy it for years to come. So don’t hesitate to search for “fountain repair near me” and choose the expert professionals to keep your fountain looking and functioning at its best.